
Malta company


Located in Southern Europe, Malta is primarily English-speaking and has great trade, transport, and telecommunication abilities when it comes to offshore companies. A member of the European Union, the Council of Europe, the United Nations, and the Commonwealth, Malta is well-connected. This makes Malta a great choice for attracting international business, especially for European countries. However, the country's numerous double tax treaties abroad and other tax advantages make it a beneficial financial choice for a multitude of fields, including trading, e-gaming, and more.

Creating an Offshore Company in Malta

Creating an offshore company and dealing with the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) can be confusing and hectic. At Mass Accounting, we work with a team of local agents in Malta as well as a number of banks in the area and abroad. This allows us to keep up to date with legal requirements and documentation for creating and maintaining legal and compliant offshore trusts and companies so you don't have to.

Want to take advantage of Malta's great tax rates? Contact us today to get started on forming your own offshore company! Or, check out some of the other locations where we offer offshore company services.

Whether you're looking for help registering your business, need help creating offshore trusts, or need nominee shareholders or directors for confidentiality purposes, we can help! Our goal is to create comprehensive, all-in-one services for offshore company formation that makes the process as simple and easy as possible. To do this, we offer:


The standart pack includes all incorporation documentation and government fees

Registered Office Address

Registered Agent Services

Company Secretarial Maintenance

All Government fees due on incorporation

2250 EURO


In addition to all incorporation documentation and government fees, this pack contains the appointment of a Professional Director and Shareholder and a local offshore bank account

Registered Office Address

Registered Agent Services

Company Secretarial Maintenance

All Government fees due on incorporation

Professional Director Service

Professional Shareholder

Offshore Bank Account

4875 EURO


Includes the same as our Privacy pack including the services of Professional Directors, Shareholders and a bank account with a prestigious offshore bank account with the provision of Bank Signatories

Registered Office Address

Registered Agent Services

Company Secretarial Maintenance

All Government fees due on incorporation

Professional Director Service

Professional Shareholder

Provision of Bank Signatories

Prestigious Offshore Bank Account

6750 EURO

Tax Benefits in Malta

Companies in Malta are taxed at 35% for worldwide income, however, shareholders can claim a refund for a percentage of those taxes paid following a dividend distribution.

As part of the OECD's ‘white list,' Malta also has a number of agreements that allow for information exchanges between countries for tax purposes. The country also has double tax agreements (DTAs) with a many countries such as: Albania, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, United Arab Emirates, UK, US, Vietnam.

These agreements can have benefits such as reducing or eliminating certain taxes such as those on dividends, royalties, and capital gains in certain circumstances.

Anonymity and Confidentiality

Documentation must be provided with the names of directors, shareholders, and the secretary for creating a company in Malta and shareholders must be placed on a public registry. However, Mass Accounting can provide nominees for these roles to avoid further documentation and protect the identities of these individuals. Some instances, such as opening a bank account, may require that the identity of the beneficial owner(s) be disclosed, but their identities will be protected in most cases.

Shares and Fees

Issued share capital must meet the minimum required amount of €1,164.69 rounded to €1,200 to include registry fees. A fee equal to 20% of the issued share capital for the formation of the company congruous to the amount of share capital will also be charged by the company if more than the minimum share capital is issued.