
Ajman company


Located seven miles from Dubai, Ajman is one of the only United Arab Emirates (UAE) tax havens. With low costs, high privacy, and practicality no taxes, Ajman has become one of the fastest-growing offshore company locations and Free Zone authorities in recent years, especially as US-EU initiatives have sought to wipe out other havens. In particular, Ajman is a good choice for businesses looking for the quickest possible transition as companies can become incorporated in the city in 24 hours or less.

Creating an Offshore Company in Ajman

Creating an offshore company and ensuring compliance can be confusing and hectic. At Mass Accounting, we work with a team of local agents in Ajman as well as a number of banks, such as Mashreq, Emirates NBD, and FGB. This allows us to keep up to date with legal requirements and documentation for creating and maintaining legal and compliant offshore trusts and companies so you don't have to.

Want to take advantage of Ajman's great tax rates? Contact us today to get started on forming your own offshore company! Or, check out some of the other locations where we offer offshore company services.

Whether you're looking to register your business, establish offshore trusts, or create a bank account, we can help Our goal is to create comprehensive, all-in-one services for offshore company formation that makes the process as simple and easy as possible. To do this, we offer:


The standart pack includes all incorporation documentation and government fees

Registered Office Address

Registered Agent Services

Company Secretarial Maintenance

All Government fees due on incorporation

2250 EURO

Tax Benefits in Ajman

Ajman has a reputation as a “tax-free” city and requires no income tax, corporate tax, capital or profit repatriation, capital gains tax, VAT, or withholding taxes.

Ajman is on the OECD's ‘white list,' as it has a number of agreements that allow for information exchanges between countries for tax purposes. As part of the UAE, Ajman also has around 45 tax treaties that enable its companies to reap the benefits of reduced withholding taxes on dividends and restricted taxes overseas. Some of these countries include: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Morocco, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, UK, And more!

Company Requirements

To form a company in Ajman requires a minimum of one shareholder and one director. Companies can have as many shareholders as they wish, including corporate shareholders.

Anonymity and Confidentiality

Because Ajman does not require annual filing and uses a closed register, owners, shareholders, and directors can enjoy some of the highest levels of confidentiality and anonymity out of any offshore location. Ajman has no information or exchange treaties and does not require shareholders to be named on a registry, which allows for greater privacy and confidentiality than other countries. Not only that but businesses are not required to have a physical presence in the city.


Ajman does not have a minimum capital requirement for creating an offshore company and allows for single-class shares. Bearer shares are not permitted.